On August 9, 2018, S.R. Smith announced the purchase of certain assets of Inter-Fab, Inc. S.R.Smith integrated the product portfolios except for Inter-Fab’s deck mounted pool slides, which were not acquired. S.R.Smith offers functional replacements for the Inter-Fab deck mounted pool slides.  Download the Deck Slide Functional Equivalent Guide

Discontinued Inter-Fab Pool Slide S.R.Smith Functional Equivalent Pool Slide


City 2 Rogue2
G-Force 2 heliX2
White Water Cyclone (Right Curve Only)
Wild Ride Typhoon or Rogue2
X-Stream 2 Typhoon
Zoomerang Cyclone

Questions regarding warranty for the discontinued Inter-Fab pool slides should be directed to www.ifideckslidewarranty.com.